MARS WiscoNet Weather Program
Wisconsin weather data is available across the station to view and download in real-time. The Wisconsin Environmental Mesonet called WiscoNet is a comprehensive statewide network of environmental monitoring stations across Wisconsin that can provide valuable information to the agricultural community. The total number of stations will increase to 90 to better monitor all regions of the state. Expected completion of all stations is 2026.
The MARS station contains equipment to measure atmospheric and soil conditions.
Instruments above ground measure:
- wind speed and direction
- humidity
- air temperature
- solar radiation
- liquid precipitation
Measurements below ground include:
- moisture levels, at certain depths
- soil temperature
At the WiscoNet Dashboard, click “Station” or click “Get Data” to select data from the WiscoNet station of your choice.
This effort is supported by a $2.3 million grant from the Wisconsin Rural Partnership, a U.S. Department of Agriculture-funded UW initiative, as well as $1 million from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.